Quick Background...Rep. Ed McBroom has drafted a bill (with, for, and funded by lay midwives) that proposes to license CPMs in the state of MI. (A CPM is a "Certified Professional Midwife, whose certification is held by NARM, a politically motivated, pro-lay midwife advocacy group). This bill is dangerous for many reasons and will do MI families more harm than good if it is passed. ACNM (American College of Nurse Midwives) has publicly denounced this bill, saying that it does more to protect midwives than the families it serves. This bill is about licensing unqualified people into a profession that should require a great deal of competence. It is not about limiting practice of educated, responsible, licensed nurse midwives. We need your voice in writing to express your concern and tell your legislators MI can do better.
To learn more about why this bill is dangerous and incomplete, you can check out this recent post.
Here's what you can do:
Write letters. Legislators respond to consumer opinion. Send a letter to Rep. Gail Haines, the chair of the House Health Policy Committee, voicing your concerns for HB 5070.
If your legislator is a committee member of the above mentioned committee or is a co-sponsor of this bill, please write to him/her too.
Prepare to attend the Committee Hearing. The hearing will be held in Lansing on a Thursday at 9 am. We probably won't get much notice. It will mean a lot if we can pack the room with concerned citizens. Watch for a post giving specific instructions when the hearing is announced.
To learn more about why this bill is dangerous and incomplete, you can check out this recent post.
Here's what you can do:
Write letters. Legislators respond to consumer opinion. Send a letter to Rep. Gail Haines, the chair of the House Health Policy Committee, voicing your concerns for HB 5070.
If your legislator is a committee member of the above mentioned committee or is a co-sponsor of this bill, please write to him/her too.
Prepare to attend the Committee Hearing. The hearing will be held in Lansing on a Thursday at 9 am. We probably won't get much notice. It will mean a lot if we can pack the room with concerned citizens. Watch for a post giving specific instructions when the hearing is announced.
Sara: I will forward this to every woman I know and ask them to do the same. You and those you are working with are doing an outstanding job educating women and protecting the new lives coming into this world. Thank you Molly! Chris